Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 6 support

Welcome to Day 6 of the Purification Program.

Myth: To avoid heart disease, we should use margarine instead of butter.

Truth: Margarine eaters have twice the rate of heart disease as butter eaters.

- Source: (Nutrition Week 3/22/91 21:12)

For further reading, check out Myths and Truths About Nutrition

(Weston A. Price Foundation

Remember, butter is approved during the purification, however margarine is not. You should consider staying away from margarine even after you have completed the program. However, don't take our word for it. When it comes to nutrition, always feel free to be skeptical and investigate for yourself. Watch out for studies or marketing commissioned by the companies whose products are involved, as they often tend to be skewed.

How Should I Feel Today?

Your energy levels should continue to increase. Symptoms of detoxification such as headaches and backaches should continue to diminish.

Often patients begin to forget how they have been feeling and fail to realize that they are improving each day. This is known as 'symptom amnesia'. Take this opportunity to review your Daily Intake Journal (found in the Purification Program Handbook) to see how you have progressed so far with regards to your energy levels and any physical effects you may have experienced.

The key point to remember is that the purification program is a unique experience for each person, as your starting point is different from the next person's. As long as you are progressing, you are on the right track!

Weight Loss

In order to optimize weight loss, ensure you are getting a minimum of 2 shakes a day as well as including Whey Pro Complete for added protein.

Also, make sure you are controlling your cravings for carbohydrates: bread, candy, pasta, soft drinks, ice cream, desserts, etc. If you crave any of these, like most people do, Gymnema is the product for you! It will knock out your cravings and assist you in staying on track to lose weight during this program.

If you are not currently using Whey Pro Complete or Gymnema, contact Dr. Graves today at (509) 413-1530 and discuss adding these to your purification program.


Keep in mind that SP Complete and Whey Pro Complete are food products. Therefore, unopened containers should be stored in a cool, dark place (such as a pantry) and once open, should be refrigerated.

Recipe of the Day

At this point salads should have become your friend. These 3 dressings should help add some flavor to those salads.

Basic Vinaigrette



½ cup Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil


3 tablespoons Organic Apple Cider or Vinegar without sulfites


1 teaspoon Oregano leaves


½ teaspoon Salt - preferably Celtic salt


1/8 Tsp. pepper



Mix ingredients together in a container.


Refrigerate until you are ready to use.


When you are ready to use the dressing, take it out of the refrigerator a few minutes ahead of time.


Shake before serving.

Dijon Olive Oil Dressing



½ cup Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil


6 tablespoons Organic Balsamic Vinegar or Lemon Juice


6 tablespoons Water


1 tsp. Organic Dijon Mustard


1/8 tsp. Oregano


Salt and Pepper to taste


1 minced garlic clove



Combine all ingredients into an airtight jar or carafe.

Tip: If you do not have an airtight container you can also use a whisk.


Shake (or whisk) vigorously to blend.

Tahini Dressing



2 tablespoons sesame tahini


Lemon juice



Mix 2 tablespoons of sesame tahini with desired amount of lemon juice to your own taste.


Mix in a little water to achieve dressing consistency.

Enjoy those salads!

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