Today everyone slept in a little, which felt great but made for a crazy morning. I managed to get the girls fed with my buckwheat pancakes from the freezer, topped with blackberries and honey-molasses syrup. Then I made them a smoothie to split and finally I made mine with one golden delicious apple, a few remaining raspberries out of the freezer, a little ground flax and all the supplement powders. I made a double batch so I could have it for lunch.
Made it to the office and felt good this morning, very satisfied and alert. By noon I was feeling hungry and made cheesy bread for my daughter (picked her up from preschool and she wanted to have an afternoon with daddy). I gave her some roasted salted mixed nuts I had at the office as an appetizer and I was salivating at this point. It's amazing how acute your sense of smell and taste become while doing a detox. I finally pulled out my smoothie from the fridge and had that with some baby carrots, celery and an apple. I was content after that. I didn't feel hungry until about five when we finally headed home.
I haven't had cravings or low energy. Quite the contrary; I have more energy, seem to sleep more soundly, and my bowels are working well. The only time I desire something outside the diet is when I see or smell it. This is more difficult having my family eat outside the program. But we generally eat very healthy, so it's not like they are holding a Big Mac and fries in my face and saying, "naanahhh naanahhh na na nahhh!" On the way home from the office in the car, my daughter said, "it smells like popcorn." I didn't smell it but it made me want it, and then I could smell it... in my mind's nose.
Dinner was leftover lentils, korma and rice. While the family topped their lentils with plain cream top yogurt, I added my sesame spread, which really tastes great. I'm feeling very good now; I may just have some cut up fruit in a bit.
By the way, this detox is an excellent way to detect food allergies/sensitivities. On day 22 I can begin to add foods back into my diet, one at a time. This can elicit a reaction even though I've previously never noticed anything.
Thought I'd start today with a few comments about our lifestyle for those who may think that since we go to a N.D. we must be healthy organic eaters, exercise regularly, never take OTC drugs, etc. I'll comment today on our eating habits.
Yes, we are healthy eaters, meaning we have a healthy appetite and can put away our share of food but not always healthy or organic food, mind you. Since we married 6 years ago we have been making a conscious effort to eat healthier as general Americans who want to eat healthier. We would add more veggies to our diet whether grocery store canned, frozen or fresh, cut out the fat and eat light yogurt, sour cream etc, and take whatever vitamin in mega-dose that the T.V was touting as a must. This was early in our marriage.
Over the past two to three years we started looking closer at the ingredients in food and reading how food was made and how it effects the way we feel. We started reading www.naturalnews.com which gave us a better insight to everything natural and has changed the way we think about food and drugs including supplements. Now we don't take everything this guy says to heart. We are not easy on the environment like he touts but we do listen when it comes to food and drugs. We also look at it from a Biblical perspective and want to live the way the good Lord intended. He designed our bodies to enjoy food and use it as fuel but the junk most Americans eat is making them sick. Us included.
We don't eat all organic but get most of our organic produce in the summer from our rather large garden - who needs a grassy yard when you can plant a garden. We freeze and can and consume through the winter and spring. I trust my organic produce but am a bit leery of the stuff at the grocery especially when you can buy it alongside non-organic produce in stores that carry both. We also add lots of nutrients back into our soil so our food is also full of nutrients.
Speaking of nutrients, we've noticed that you don't need to eat as much if your food is nutrient dense. We seem to get full on less and it lasts us. We aren't filling our bodies with junk calories that leave us feeling hungry just hours later. I am shocked when looking back over the days and the amount of food that's been consumed. "Hunger" hits me when making meals for my daughter like the peanut butter or fresh mozzarella or smells of Perry St. Pizza. True hunger hits me less than my mind's hunger.
Dr. Graves is right about the heightened sense of smell and taste. Reminds me of being pregnant.
Today has been a good day. I awoke in the middle of the night with a mild headache and a muscle spasm in the shoulder but this morning both were gone. A little less energy throughout the day. Finished my 64oz of water before bedtime but only got in one smoothie. Tomorrow I will try doubling the breakfast smoothie. We also have plans to get our workout in with p90x tomorrow am.
The portions allowed for rice is 3/4 c. cooked and lentils is only 1/4c cooked. We are allowed one rice serving and two lentils.
Breakfast - 1 1/2 apple
Lunch - smoothie
Dinner - Veggie stirfry with rice
Dessert - One apple's worth of slices to dip in Banana Chocolate Pudding - Doc's recipe
Recipes from today's menu:
Veggie Stirfry - adapted from P90X nutrition guide
1/4 c. wheat-free soy sauce
1/2 onion
1 T. garlic, minced
1 T. sesame oil (you can sub other allowed oils)
2 T. Rice vinegar
1 T. ginger, minced
4 c Veggie mix - your choice
Heat soy sauce on medium heat in a large saute pan, add onions and garlic and saute until opaque.
Stir together the oil, vinegar, ginger.
Add veggie mix on top of onions and garlic and pour ginger mix on top of veggies.
Top with lid and steam veggies on medium until crisp tender - about 7-10 mins.
Serve over a bed of rice.
Banana Chocolate Pudding
Mashed banana
1 heaping tablespoon of ground flax seed
1/4 tsp of stevia powder
dash of cinnamon
1 tbsp of carob powder or organic unsweetened cocoa powder
enough liquid to mix it into a delicious gelatinous dessert
Topped with shredded coconut.
Really, you have to stop using food pictures in these blogs. If you are going to use food pictures You can use gross food pictures like partially digested McDonald's food.
Now I am craving fries and a Coke! How many more days to go before I can.....
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