Saturday, October 23, 2010
21 Day Detox......Day 1

The program involves an all-you-can-eat paleolithic diet with no grains except at most one serving of brown or wild rice, millet, or quinoa per day; up to two servings of lentils; eating twice as much vegetables as fruits; no corn, potatoes, soy, eggs, dairy, animal products EXCEPT organic unsalted butter or ghee; no sugar, sodas, fried foods, unhealthy oils, HFCS, canola oil, margarine, shortening, and most processed foods with additives. One serving of wild fish, FR chicken or turkey, wild game or grass-fed beef or bison is allowed after day 10. The core of the program is protein/fiber shakes, 2-3 per day, with a greens and fruit powder. In addition, there is an intensive herbal supplement to support the detoxification pathways in the body.
Today was a little rough watching the family eat one of our usuals for breakfast- apple pie oatmeal... a proprietary recipe. After my first smoothie I had to make a sesame butter spread to dip my baby carrots in or fear I'd fade away before high noon. Lunch was another blackberry smoothie, green salad with a vineigrette and pumpkin seeds. Dinner was winter squash soup, a little brown rice.. and yes, a slight "cheat;" we had left over salmon enchiladas made with Ezekial sprouted tortillas. Yes there was a little cheese, potatoes, corn, and black beans in there, but I limited my portion and it was for the sake of using up leftovers. (Hopefully none of my patients will read this.)
Really this program is about taking a break from unhealthy patterns and really allowing the body's elimination pathways to work unhindered. My weakness lately- banana chips fried in coconut oil and lightly sweetened. Oh, and very dark chocholate; like so dark I have to eat it wearing a headlamp. Anyway, hoping I can get to bed early... at least earlier than usual.
Stay tuned for my Klingon banana pudding recipe that will definitely be made (and eaten) tomorrow.
My husband and I are two of Dr. G's patients joining him on this cleanse. We are not new to cleanses but new to this cleanse. In the 6 1/2 years we have been married we've done three different cleanses and this is now the fourth. The first cleanse was with Dr. Natura products in our first year of marriage which wasn't food strict but continued for three weeks of the six; then in our third year we did a four day fresh juice fast and last December we did a vegan diet for a week minus the starches, grains and juices.
My goals on this cleanse are many: 1.) When slowly adding back in the foods we will be able to see a reaction. There is a question of food sensitivities which might be suppressing my immune system. (The blood and spit tests show no food allergy.) 2.) Simply to cleanse my body and renew it with hope of restoring things back to a healthy order. Like an 'adjustment' for all the systems running through my body. Our bodies are designed by God to heal themselves when given the proper nutrition. 3.) Doing something everyday for three weeks is suppose to be the way to form a habit. I am hoping to change some eating habits. 4.) Testing myself always shows me more about who I am and my true capabilities.
My husband does work during the day while I stay home to raise our two year old and run the home. Personally, this cleanse would be harder if my hubby wasn't joining me.
Day 1 is over. Thank God! Woke up this morning already feeling icky. A theory: my mind knew we were starting this detox and my body started it during the night...or maybe it was the handful of Tootie Fruties from the Thai restaurant last night. (We rarely eat candy.) Awoke with a very slight headache that followed me throughout the day and was irritable. The day could have gone better had there been a lock on my mouth.
Breakfast: A shake with all the powders Dr. G recommended (nutrition, fiber, fruit, greens and some whey) spiced up with some bananas, blueberries, carrot and cabbage. 24oz
Lunch: Shake with powders combined with beet, celery, cabbage, carrot, apple, blueberries, and bananas. 6oz My hubby made it and it was too thick and pulpy so I thinned it down to 48oz but could only consume 6 of it. I'll try to get the rest down tomorrow.
Dinner: Dr. G's curried lentils atop a serving of rice with a side of butternut squash.
You'll notice that there was no cheating, Dr. G!
I wasn't hungry and the cravings were minimal.
On to another day.
Here are a few recipes:
Curried Lentils
2 cup dry lentils
1 1/2 tsp sea salt
1 quart water (for cooking)
2 tsp curry powder (3 parts each ground cumin seed, corriander seed, fennel seed, tumeric; 1 part fenugreek, black pepper, mustard seed, cardamom (optional)
1 tsp or so clarified butter or ghee
1 inch piece of dried kelp (kombu) (or 1/4 tsp of ground)
1 bay leaf
2 tsp dried onion
1 tsp lime juice
Inspect lentils for pebbles/stones. Place in pot and cover with water, about 1 quart. Cover and let soak overnight or 6 to 8 hours (this is optional but will allow them to cook faster and be more digestible). Drain and rinse once. Add 1 quart water and kelp and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to med/low and let simmer covered for 1 hour. Stir occasionally and add water if level drops below level of lentils. Add curry powder, lime juice, dried onion and clarified butter for the last 15-20 minutes of cooking. You can let it simmer longer as long as there is enough water. Add salt only after the lentils are at your desired tenderness.
I typically double this recipe to serve more and have leftovers. This pairs nice with brown basmati rice, but for the program just watch the starch. We also like to make vegetable korma to go with this.
Vegetable Korma
1 cup chopped cauliflower
1 cup fresh or frozen peas
1 cup chopped summer squash
1 cup chopped carrots
1 yam chopped
1 large onion
2-3 cloves garlic
2 cups water
1 1/2 cup coconut milk
2 tsp sea salt
1 tbsp clarified butter
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice (might want to add a little more)
2-3 tbsp curry powder
1/4 cup ground pumpkin seeds (optional)
Add vegetables, garlic, onion, clarified butter, curry powder, 1 cup water, and salt to large cooking pot on medium high heat. Cook until vegetables begin to soften, about 40 minutes. Add apple cider vinegar and water as needed. Continue simmering until vegetables are very soft and mixture thickens a little. Reduce heat to low and add coconut milk and ground pumpkin seeds. Continue simmering another 10 to 15 minutes. Serve with basmati rice and lentils. Note you can substitute just about any vegetable.
1/2 apple cider vinegar (or balsamic or white wine)
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 tsp salt (I also like to add a little fish sauce)
1/2 tsp each dried oregano, basil
1/4 tsp dried thyme
1/2 cup water
2 tsp ground flax or chia seed
Add all ingredients to a 16 oz jar or shaker. Attach lid and shake vigorously for 1 hour (just kidding, 10 sec should be sufficient). Let stand for 10 minutes or so and flax/chia seed will thicken. You can add more ground seed or a little more liquid to get desired consistency. You can vary the seasoning to your taste, i.e. add ground mustard seed, ginger, and stevia (or a little honey) for a honey mustard dressing.
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