Cruising along now, I wish I could say I'm not even tempted by the cheese and rice chips my wife is munching on while we chat in the kitchen. I had to turnaround and converse while
I searched the cupboard for some kosher snack that had somehow just magically appeared there to satisfy my desire for salty and crunchy. Alas, I had to resort to my banana coconut pudding with a little cocoa. I topped it off with cracked-cell chlorella, a detoxifying blue-green algae, and feel even more satisfied in my mind and palate. It's really pretty good (I have a greenish-brown ring around my mouth).
Over the last few years when I speak on detoxification and lead patients through the process, I am always asked about other programs, The Master Cleanse, Isagenix, liver flushes, etc. Although there are many I haven't looked closely at, the one's I've examined often come up short. Some of these do work to some degree, weight loss, an improved sense of health, but I've found most of them lacking what I consider basic and important attributes in a healthy cleansing or detoxifying diet.
For example I finally just looked over the Isagenix products, a very popular program. As is often the case I see some real problems with their ingredients. Most glaring is their use of fructose as a sweetener. For all you who read my liver articles recently you'll recall that fructose as an added sugar is very bad news. An effective and safe cleanse needs to support the liver, one of the most important detox organs. Fructose effectively congests the liver and is efficiently converted to fat. Next, I noticed in their fiber product Isagenix uses something called Fibersol-2 (produced by a proprietary method of controlled enzymatic hydrolysis of cornstarch). While this newfangled fiber may provide some of the health benefits of increasing fiber in the diet, it seems completely unnecessary to use a Franken-fiber created in a lab, when all around on God's green Earth is nature's fiber ("so turn Frakenstein into Franken-fine"). Lastly, I noticed some odd herbal additions that could be problematic, especially for those suffering from acid reflux; namely mint.
Not to pick on this one company, but my goal is to really feed the body while detoxing, support the organs of detoxification, and weed-out hidden food sensitivities or allergies. To that end, as we proceed through the last half of the 21 Day Detox, now is the time we can prepare for the "challenge phase."
Right, your asking, "wasn't the challenge phase days 1 through 10 or so?" Yes it was and continues to be challenging at times but one of the great opportunities we have nearing the end of the program is to begin to re-introduce foods back into the diet. One of the biggest mistakes I see by those finishing this program is to start haphazardly eating foods that have been eliminated. At this time, like no other, the body is primed to detect hidden food allergies. Food sensitivities and allergies are quite common, but often undetected. After a few weeks on a diet of this sort, the body will often produce a more obvious symptom after exposure to a food you were unaware was a problem. To know which food is to blame, one must introduce only one food at a time, in a sufficient amount, for a sufficient length of time.
Another important aspect of this program is that it teaches you or reminds you how to eat wholesomely. The diet is not intended to be permanent. It's not an ideal diet for life for most individuals. Dietary needs are individualistic, and I'm not talking caloric needs. Some need more meat, some do OK on vegetarian sources of protein. In both cases I'm talking about eating real food, from real (healthy) animals and plant foods from nutrient-rich and chemical free sources. Keeping your sugar, caffeine, and alcohol intake in check. By the way, have I told you about my nickname for Kettle Korn? "Cancer Corn;" Perhaps I'll explain that later.
Inevitably we are exposed to dietary burdens, intentional and un. That's why I recommend some form of detox diet yearly.
By the way, if you slip up, don't give up! "It's not what you've done it's what you do next."
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Day 11
The halibut was wonderful last night but the eggs for breakfast were unbelievable. I had 3 for breakfast and then three for dinner. We didn't have much interest in meat today.
We stepped on the scale and we've both lost a few more pounds. That makes 5 pounds total loss for me.
Tom increased some of his rice and lentils over the weekend and has felt his energy come back up. Adding back in some meat will also improve his energy and satiety.
Now that we are half way through the program we have begun to change the way we think about food. We don't mind this diet and feel we could maintain it for the long haul. Its been relatively easy and enjoyable.
Day 12
Eggs, eggs, eggs. I can't seem to get enough but maybe after dozen in two days and a tummy ache this evening the cravings will be less.
Avocado and mango salsa on our fresh tuna tacos tonight. And Tom made a wonderfully delicious bread. It really hit the spot.
Avacado and Mango Salsa!
* 1 mango - peeled, seeded and diced
* 1 red bell pepper, seeded and diced
* 3/4 cup chopped red onion
* 1t. Stevia
* 1 tablespoon olive oil
* 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
* 1 avocado - peeled, pitted, and diced
* 1 teaspoon salt
1. Toss together mango, bell pepper, onion, sugar, olive oil, and vinegar in a bowl. Gently fold in diced avocado, and season with salt.
My Delicious Gluten-Free Bread Recipe
Most gluten-free bread recipes rely on eggs for texture and rise. Not this one. (Though in all honesty, two whipped egg whites will make it rise higher.) This gluten-free bread is tender, crusty, vegan, dairy-free, rice-free, and egg-free. I baked it in my Breadman bread machine.
First- whisk together your dry ingredients and set aside:
1 cup sorghum flour (We used brown rice flour instead)
1 cup potato starch (not potato flour!) (We used tapioca flour)
1/2 cup millet flour (We also added 1/4 c of whole millet for a little texture)
2 teaspoons xanthan gum
1/ 1/4 teaspoons fine sea salt
1 packet rapid dry yeast or 2 1/4 teaspoons
You'll need sesame seeds for the top; set aside for later. Or omit.
Pour the liquid ingredients into the bread machine pan:
1 1/4 cup warm water (at 110 to 115 degrees F)
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon honey- or raw agave nectar to keep it vegan (We did use honey even though its 'illegal' on this cleanse)
1/2 teaspoon mild rice or white wine cider vinegar (or lemon juice)
1 tablespoon Ener-G Egg Replacer whisked with 4 tablespoons warm water till frothy (We used an egg instead)
Gently pour the mixed dry ingredients on top of the liquid.
Set your bread machine program for 1.5 loaf medium crust. I used the gluten-free cycle on the Breadman; if you don't have a gluten-free cycle, I believe a rapid rise cycle will also work.
Check the dough after a few minutes of kneading- it should be closer to a muffin batter than bread dough, soft but not too wet. Adjust dry to wet ratio with a tablespoon of flour or warm liquid, as needed. Humidity influences the dough. As does temperature (your bread will rise higher on a hot day).
If you like a crusty loaf, remove the bread from the pan and place it in the oven at 350 degrees F for an additional 10 minutes- keep an eye on it and don't let it get too brown. It should be a light golden color.
Cool the loaf before slicing for best results.
Enjoy fresh from the oven- the first day (as with most gluten-free baked goods) has the best texture and taste.
Store the leftover bread as slices, wrapped in a paper towel and bagged in freezer bags; freeze. Thaw and toast or grill for best results.
Read more: http://glutenfreegoddess.blogspot.com/2009/02/delicious-gluten-free-bread.html#ixzz14RRAOWaK
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