Season Change.
I find myself writing this newsletter seeking the words to describe my year. "No pain, no gain" comes to mind. Or perhaps, "Trial by fire." I like this perspective: "Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way." James 1:2-4
At the core of physical health is spiritual health. If you nourish your soul, you will improve your physical well-being. We can pursue many ways to improve physical health, all important, but find ourselves empty at the end of the day, feeling discontented. It is easy these days to be overwhelmed with responsibilities, distractions and stressors that keep us from finding rest and regeneration.
By nature, life is a process of lessons. Some learned and wiser for it, or some destined to repeat with frustrating recurrence. The power to learn and change is often not a matter of shear will, but a reliance on something beyond ourselves that gives hope. This is the only way not to be the sum total of our experiences and genetic accumulation. A "super meaning," as Victor Frankl called it, isn't necessarily something imagined, but a supply line for faith, hope, and love. We often apply these to people close to us. However, when we stay connected to the continuous care from our maker, it can transcend everything else. If we know nothing can separate us from this love, we can better care for ourselves and others.
At the heart of naturopathic medicine is to recognize the truth of existence, in body, mind, and spirit. I like to think of the soul as the integration of all our attributes.
One of my lessons this past year is that I can't exist without a connection to my creator and his creation, especially people. The stress of life and experiences can wear us down. There are seasons of difficulty that can refocus us on what is important. Then rest can come. Learning through trials, I've realized our "super-meaning" must be tuned-in to, sought after, and continually brought into consciousness. The cup has to be filled before we can drink.
As I turn a corner and see a change in season, I am excited about the future. If you've read this far I thank you. I also need to say I'm sorry. My practice and our service to patients has suffered over the past year. Many of you were not properly responded to when contacting our office. I have made some important changes and we are working hard to improve the level of service we provide.
I hope you read further about some upcoming events and announcements. Thank you for the gift of being a part of your health care.