Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 5

This is the first time I've taken the detox diet on the road. I took the family for a short get-away to visit some friends. We are accustomed to taking our own food when we travel, so it wasn't too difficult. This time we just had to bring the blender. I packed each days supplements for the shakes into a couple of zip lock bags. I made our usual smoothies with apple or pear, frozen berries, a little banana, carrot, and even kale, the supplements and blended well. We brought some left overs and made one new meal of vegetable soup. An after dinner snack has been some cut up fruit with protein powder and coconut.

Then after getting back tonight, we were craving sushi so we had to make it. Cut veggies, avocado, homemade mayo, sweet brown rice, nori sheets, rice vinegar, soy sauce, and of course wasabi. I even put cooked yam in a roll.

Below is the email I received for day 5 support.

Welcome to Day 5 of the Purification Program.

Just a friendly reminder: corn is not a vegetable, it is a grain and there are no grains allowed on this program (with the exception of brown rice if allowed by Dr. Graves).

Also, remember that although something may be healthy (such as beans and nuts), it may not be allowed during the purification program due to other factors (such as potential food allergens). So, with this in mind, remember: no beans or nuts of any kind.

How Should I Feel Today?

You should be feeling more energetic today and the cravings should continue decreasing. Many have expressed that they have not only learned to 'tolerate' the shakes, but have even come to enjoy them. Yes, yes, it's true!

We mentioned yesterday that your sleep should be improving. You should find that you are able to fall asleep easier, enjoy more restful sleep, and are able to sleep through the night more often. The good news is that this should continue throughout the purification program and beyond (as long as you maintain some of your newly forming good habits).

Weight Loss

If you haven't started exercising yet during this program, now is an excellent time to use some of your returning energy and start. Remember, exercise is an essential part of losing weight during this program.


Don't wait to get hungry. Waiting increases cravings, lowers your blood sugar level and can lead to fatigue. Try to have your SP Complete Shake with your Whey Protein first thing in the morning and keep some approved snack foods around to munch on to keep your blood sugar and energy levels up.

Recipe of the Day




2 Organic Avocados- peeled and mashed


1 clove minced garlic


1 tablespoon finely chopped onion


½ chopped tomato (use less if diabetic)




1 tablespoon lemon juice



Mix all together thoroughly and put avocado seed back into bowl to prevent turning brown.

Tip: although you can't have tortilla chips (always a favorite with this dip) you can enjoy a nice crudité with your guacamole by slicing up some raw vegetables (or using them whole if you prefer). Whole cherry tomatoes, sliced carrots and celery are always favorites.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

21 Day Detox & Purification Day 1

After talking with my wife this evening about the devastation in her home state of Missouri, it almost seems trivial to blog about my little 21 day detox. That and learning about a 23 year old girl here in South Hill who had a bicycle accident last Friday and whose life now hangs in the balance. Her name is Bethany. Please pray for her and her family. Also pray for those not only in this country but those elsewhere who've lost everything and loved ones.

I should do a better job with mentioning the need for prayer and support with the 21 day program. This is not easy. Meaningful health change often requires divine intervention and that we not shoulder all the burden. Willpower is a muscle that we can exercise, but it helps to know:
13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13, New International Version)

Today's meals went well considering the lack of prep that I recommend so highly. Breakfast was rushed having slept in because for some reason my alarm clocks (my girls) decided to play downstairs rather than wake me up as is their usual forte. Thankfully, just knowing I had to throw a smoothie together required less time than our usual breakfasts. My girls had to have some of course, along with their leftover oatmeal. The smoothie was a tad of frozen banana, pineapple, berries, apple, carrot, celery, parsley, a little fish oil, stevia, and supplements. I had a few bites of pineapple and was out the door. I brought an apple to work with me and thankfully my good wife dropped off some cut up bell pepper. I had a moment of temptation for the Standard Bars at the front counter but managed to make it home without passing out. Dinner was lentils, sweet brown rice, salsa, with red leaf lettuce, EV olive oil and balsamic vinegar, guacamole, and yam fries. Quite satisfactory. My sweet craving was fixed with an after dinner cup of shredded coconut, ground flax, inositol powder, cinnamon, a half of banana mashed with Vanilla Vegan Protein powder and a little water to blend it all with.

I wanted to make some suggestions. Those who seem to do best with this diet, pick a few key recipes to alternate with. Trying to follow a gourmet menu plan with new dishes every night will lead to burn out. Maybe spaghetti squash with butter and marinara one night, lentils and rice with salad or steamed veggies another, yam chips with guacamole and salsa and asparagus with mayo on yet another. Make enough for leftovers. "Rinse and repeat."

I should also mention that in addition to regular lentils, try the orange type, pea soup, and maybe even black-eyed peas. There are many varieties of brown rice so don't limit it to just plain old long grain. Try sweet brown, basmati, etc. Protein powder is a must. I am using Whey protein in my smoothies and then supplementing with a rice, pea, hemp protein blend that is sweetened with stevia and Lo Han and flavored.

If you don't have it yet, pick up some coconut oil. That is such good stuff. Cook with it, melt it into your curries, blend it in your smoothies. If in doubt, feeling like you are going to die or fall off the wagon... make a fruit smoothie with extra protein powder. Blessings.
Dr. G

The calm before the storm

Tomorrow is day 1 for me and the wife. Last weekend we managed to stock up with some produce for phase one of the 21 Day Detox and Purification. Produce options in Spokane this time of year are limited, at least if trying to keep a budget. I have a theory that you can eat cheaper with whole foods than with junk and fast food, especially if we are comparing micronutrients.

You just have to learn to cook. It's really about taking the time to follow some recipes and learn to season. After a while you can cook intuitively. Maybe that will take a year or two, but it is so much faster to pull out what's in the fridge and "begin with the end in mind." You chop, you mix, you add, you season. Have a few seasoning blends on hand: curry, mexican, italian, asian, thai, indian, chili powder; use oil to carry the flavor and satisfy the palate; and don't forget lemon and lime juice, apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar and high quality sea salt. Kelp powder is nice. Seaweed salad anyone?

We started with a 15 lb bag of carrots, beets, broccoli, red leaf lettuce, parsley, yams, butternut squash, avocados, apples, bananas, strawberries, a large papaya, pineapple, and an assortment of frozen berries. At home we have onions, garlic, celery, assorted herbs and spices, Redmond salt, coconut oil, EV olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and of course plenty of organic unsalted butter.

Here are a few things to remember. No eggs until day 11 and then watch for for any reactions. Try to stick to no more than the 1/2 cup serving of brown rice (or quinoa) per day and up to a cup of lentils per day. You will need to eat more frequently so prepare and plan accordingly. Consider carrying a small cooler with you if you are going to be out and about. Bring baby carrots, cut up fruit, celery and your Tupperware with leftovers. Make your own mayo and add dried onion and coriander and lemon juice for a creamy dip; or make a lentil "bean" dip.

Tomorrow the plan is fruit veggie smoothies, the Master veg and fruit salad, and Mexican for dinner with green salad, lentils, salsa, guacamole, and yam chips.

Days 1 -3 are the hardest, so don't despair and don't give up. Stay hydrated, don't overdo the fruit and take full advantage of your food processor. Protein powder is key to getting through the days before meat. Savor the flavor of the earth's bounty.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mayo and menu alert

Hi Gang,
In preparing this weekend to start the 21 Day Detox I noticed that the menu and recipes I've made available are missing some recipes, mainly the vegetable entrées. Stay tuned for more info and recipe guidance. To that point I've found a great blog and source of information for doing the 21 Day detox. See this link for a video of Mommypotomus making mayo.

Here is a menu guide for days 1 through 20.

She has an recipe E-book available that I will be reviewing soon.

Don't forget to see Standard Process web site for additional recipes and information regarding the 21 day program.

Stay tuned for a summary of my review of the pre-detox prep over the weekend.

Dr. G

Thursday, May 19, 2011

21 Day Detox & Purification, after Class 1

Here are some questions that came up recently that you may find helpful as you embark on the program. My wife and I are gearing up this weekend to officially start on Monday. Stay tuned for more:

1. Where do I find the recipes with the asterisk that are not written out on the recipe List?
The recipes are at the end of the handout. They may not be in the order they appear in the menu. I noticed the Carrot Curry recipe was not there. I've added it here:

Carrot Curry with Brown Rice

Carrots – 3 or 4

Onion – 1 small (chopped)

Green chilli – 3 or 4

Ginger – 1 inch piece (finely chopped)

Small Green lentils – 2 tsp

Mustards seeds – ½ tsp

Cumin seeds – ½ tsp

Coriander seed, ground- ¼ tsp

Sea Salt – to taste

Clarified butter (ghee) or Coconut Oil – 1 tbsp

Wash, peel and grate carrots. Place in a sauce pan and add enough water to just cover the carrot, add a dash of sea salt, cover and cook till it is 80% done, drain the water and set side.

Heat a separate frying pan on med, add oil or ghee, when heated, add lentil and fry for 30 sec., then add mustard seeds, cumin seeds and let them crackle, then add chopped ginger, coriander, green chili and fry for 1 min.

Now add chopped onion and cook till they are soft.

Now add grated carrot, mix well, and adjust salt, add and cook for 5 min on medium heat.

Serve hot with ½ cup cooked brown rice.

2. Do I continue using the supplements I was taking or stop until the 21 days are over?
You can stop all supplements. You can continue to use those recommended by your ND guiding you through the program.
3. Do I stop my prescriptions?
Again check with your doctor. In many if not most cases you will be able to come off of most of your medications.
4. One recipe calls for canned tomatoes? The detox program says no canned items. Do I not use that recipe?
Good question. Not all of the recipes are perfect for the program. You can substitute fresh cooked tomato or use an organic canned version (Eden Foods or Muir Glen). Just keep the canned foods to a minimum and without any additives like sugar and preservatives.
5. Do I have to make my own broth or can I use the vegetable broth or chicken broth in the carton?
You can use some carton broths, but what I wrote above applies; no prohibited additives. Look in Fred Meyers natural and organic section or Huckleberries.
6. Can I use ground flax instead of flaxseed oil?
Yes, but in moderation. No more that 1 tablespoon per day at first. Remember you're getting lots of fiber in the program. Use a variety of acceptable oils if possible, to get the healing fats you need. If you are not using flax oil, definitely take fish or krill oil.
7. We eat a lot of bell peppers and tomatoes. Since I haven't noticed a reaction, I assume I can eat these. I do find I belch when I have green peppers. Should I avoid them?
Given your symptoms with green peppers, I'd avoid them. If you tolerate other nightshades (tomato, pepper, eggplant) they should be fine.
I realize you have probably answered these questions before but my memory is one of my problems at present.
That is OK. Many of these details don't get addressed until you ask. If you stick to the key principles of the program and are able to tolerate the shakes, you should do well. It's OK to vary from the menu plan and substitute as you are able. The BIG things to avoid are the dairy, wheat, sugar, and packaged/processed foods, while getting lots of fresh produce.

Dr. G

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I am very excited to announce my upcoming presentation on May 18th at 6:30pm.

Over the last few years I've been amazed to see the results in my patients doing the "21 Day Detox." It is by far the best detox program I've seen. One doctor recently called it "the Grand Daddy" of detox programs. And I couldn't agree more. Far from just a detox, for many it's a life changing experience. With one fell swoop we are eliminating food allergies, removing toxic build up, and engaging the natural healing mechanisms of the body. Translated, that means weight loss, better digestion, more energy, a healthier appearance, and other benefits.

If you've been to one of my detox classes before, you should know that this time around I have created a "new and improved" program that now provides you with more support along the way. Your meals have all been planned out for you including recipes and an easy to follow schedule. In addition, you will be the recipient of an optimized program that is even more effective and customized to fit your unique health concerns. If you can't make the presentation, you can still be a part of this Spring's detox. Call our office for more details and to RSVP for the presentation. Seating is limited!

Please pass this along to someone you care about who you think would benefit from this information. ...Oh, by the way, this class is free!

Thank you,
Dr. Graves
David Graves, ND
Naturopathic Med